Social Business Owner self-study educational programm
1. Social entrepreneurship․Introduction to social entrepreneurship social impact Models and Criteria for Social Enterprises

Introductory lesson

1. Social entrepreneurship․Introduction to social entrepreneurship social impact Models and Criteria for Social Enterprises

1. Social entrepreneurship․Introduction to social entrepreneurship social impact Models and Criteria for Social Enterprises

Find out what is the essence of the correct concept of social entrepreneurship. What are the differences between social, traditional entrepreneurship, and philanthropy․ Get social impact measurement m

26 m 43 s

2. Generation of business ideas and its validation.

2. Generation of business ideas and its validation.

How and where to look for business ideas? Get unique methodologies for creating social innovation and creative business idea solutions. Validate your business idea in the marketplace using the suggest

15 m 16 s

3. Social Entrepreneurship Business Model Canvas Tool

3. Social Entrepreneurship Business Model Canvas Tool

Explore the Canva Social Business Model Template (Social Business Model Canvas),learn to plan and correctly describe your unique a sales proposition that leads to a social goal, identify the social a

4. Evaluation of business opportunities from the needs of the community. Rural business.

4. Evaluation of business opportunities from the needs of the community. Rural business.

Get to know the interpretation of the important concept of "Community" in different approaches.Find out how the community influences the development of your business and what are the interpretations o

7 m 38 s

5. Social enterprise marketing and SMM

5. Social enterprise marketing and SMM

Get acquainted with marketing tools for analyzing external and internal factors affecting the enterprise, determining an effective strategy. Conduct competitor analysis, market segmentation and identi

6. Finance. Budget.

6. Finance. Budget.

You will learn practical methods for calculating the selfcost of production and the role and importance of the budget in the process of financial management. Learn the basics of tax accounting. Get an

7. Social reporting of the social enterprise

7. Social reporting of the social enterprise

Find out what you can write about the results of a social enterprise in a social report.Form an understanding of the structure of the social report, knowledge of what to write in each block, a checkli

8. Fundraising. Crowdfunding. Grants

8. Fundraising. Crowdfunding. Grants

Attract external funding to your business using modern tools, getting support for your ideas in the community and from donors. Get working schemes for finding the best channels, reaching your target a

9. Idea Presentation / Pitching

9. Idea Presentation / Pitching

How to sell any idea to investors with 10 slides by Guy Kawasaki. How to mentally prepare for pitching.What questions are asked during pitching? Get a blueprint for selling an idea in 30 seconds. And
